Monday, May 7, 2012

Ransoming Bernadette and Mason

Sweet Bernadette, whose new name will be Jessica, and little Mason are being adopted by the Rogers family. Time is critical for this adoption because Bernie is already 15 years old.  They are working desperately hard to get them as fast as possible, however, money is tight.  They've only been home about 5 months from adopting the last time!  From Renee's blog:

They still need the following (in US dollars):

5625     rent/food/transportation per day ($125/day x 45 days)
  600     train tickets (2 to region, 4 back to capitol after adoption)
1600     airfare for the parents over to EE
3200     airfare for the parents and Bernie and Mason back to the USA post-adoption
2000     2 one-day visas ($1000/ea) for Bernie and Mason
2000     USCIS i600 fees ($720/ea x 2, $225/ea x 2 for required Embassy medical exams for kids)
1000     miscellaneous

Please, please, please go read that link to Renee's blog.  Rene has been in this orphanage. She has spent time with Bernadette and knows how the Orphanage Director is reacting to this incredible, unbelievable adoption. 

Let's come alongside the Rogers Family and help them raise the ransom for these dear children!  They need the church right now!  Another friend is graciously hosting a giveaway.  I have donated an item, as have several others.  It's not a huge, flashy giveaway, but a chance to do the hard work of James 1:27.  

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

Please go visit Mandy's blog and contribute to the Chip-In.  Leave a comment letting her know that you did.  You'll have the chance to win a prize, but much more importantly, you'll show the Rogers that they are not alone in this.  That others are praying and caring about dear Jessica and Mason. They are NOT forgotten!

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