Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is not a state of being, it's a choice!  The joy of the Lord is my strength, Psalm 28:7! Because I am saved, I know the Lord has me in the palm of His hand always. Isaiah 49: 15-16 promises that to me.  Focus on the Lord and joy will undoubtedly follow.  Today I am happy and thankful for several things, including Renee, whose post today inspired this one.

1. My husband, who works very hard so I can be home with the children.  He's so selfless in this desire.  I couldn't have asked for a better man with whom to spend my life. I thank the Lord for him daily.

2. I have plenty of food to share amongst my children and the neighborhood children.  We know not want or gnawing hunger.  I pray that this continues to be the case in our nation.

3. Sunshine and plenty of it!  Since moving to CA, I understand SAD.  I need my sunshine!

4. Fresh food. The farmer's market never closes here, but I love the variety and flavors of spring and summer.  Freshly harvested asparagus is amazing.  Honey is starting to come available again and I will be getting a bucket. I've missed honey.

5.  The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We are the freest people of the world and I pray that out nation resists the forces that hope to change that.  Regardless, evil will never triumph over the will of the Lord and HE wins in the end! Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father!

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"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."