Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Some of BabyJ's exploits

(originally posted on my other blog 4-25-06)

My little J...what can I say about him??? He is our first birth boy, my older boys having been adopted at the ages of 7 months and 4 years. He is a joy, a delight, a blessing. He has grown at a remarkable rate, scooting across the floor and destroying the cover of a beloved cookbook at the age of 5 months, 2 days. I told him that I was supposed to have another month of his immobility, but he didn't agree. Real crawling soon followed.

He didn't walk especially early; he still uses a combination of crawling and walking. But, boy, does that boy climb! He is able to pull out drawers and use them as stairs to get up on the kitchen counters and bedroom dressers...can get up on the couch and reach the back of the end tables, but thankfully, hasn't yet learned to (or thought about, I suppose) climb out of his crib.

On Sunday, our Pastor's wife was tending the infants and told a funny story of how she turned to attend another little one, then turned back around to J. and found him standing on the snack table! Then she went on as to how he will be jumping off the roof into the pool next year! "Oh," she said to me with pity, "he's going to be a wild one!" She had to turn all the little stools over so he wouldn't climb them. I'm sure that he'll be a mountain biker like his Daddy and have no fear, like his Daddy!

He has a smile that would melt your heart, a giggle/cackle that makes you wonder what he's into now, and a personality that is so engaging! He has expressive eyebrows, much like my 4yo ddR. He is a deep thinker, constantly watching and figuring things out. He will intently watch something and then copy it, like putting on headphones correctly, opening phones and 'talking' on them, he is even trying to dress and undress himself!

I could go on all day about him, but I need to get breakfast on the table...so I'll end with: What a blessing he is! Such a joy!!

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