Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear Little Abbott

Playing outside, getting dirty.....

Cuddling and reading books with Mom......

Learning how to fix things with Dad.......

All things five year old boys do naturally.  

I'm sure Abbott would love to do those things, too, but he can't.  He lives in an orphanage in Russia.

What a beautiful little child he is.  I'm heartbroken that he is facing being placed in a mental institution in the next year or so of his life.  I'm praying for him to be snatched up by a family soon and be saved that unimaginable "life".

Will you join me in praying for Abbott?  His grant is sitting at $2001.00.  I am praying that this, too, will rise.  The Lord consistently multiplies the small amounts that are given to these funds.  It's an amazing thing.  He shows Himself mighty over and over in the lives of these children and I truly want Abbott to be chosen this year.

Look here to see Abbott and the other children that are in his orphanage and the guidelines for adopting from his region.  Could YOU be his family?

1 comment:

  1. wonderful! great to find you via sarah's come and linkup on the flight platform on friday's and sundays xxxx


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