Sunday, January 1, 2012

The End of 365

I didn't get to 365 posts this year. I did, however, get to 230. That's more than Grandma may have gotten without the challenge! Have a blessed 2012!


  1. You did a very good job....I really enjoyed your postings!!!! Are you trying to tell me that this is the "end"?!?!? Please...say it's not true!!!
    Now, I must say that I would totally understand, seeing as how you have a LOT on your plate....but from a strictly selfish side...NOooooo!!! LOL!!
    Love and kisses and hugs to all,

  2. I made it to the 240s and then gave it up. It is harder than I thought to post every day. I"m thinking a weekly post might be more my speed.


I love comments! Please feel free to leave kind words, new ideas, requests for recipes, even gentle criticism if needed in the spirit of Proverbs 16:24.

"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."