Monday, March 15, 2010

Coop Progress

More coop building pics!

Here's the result of the first day of building. It was too late to take a picture when we were finished the night before.


The floor:



The ramp:


Three walls done!


We attached the front wall last night, with the door cut out, but it was too dark to take a picture. Tonight's plan is to complete the front wall, with the door and window, build the nest boxes and put the mounting boards on the roof. Next comes finishing touches, paint, then the roof itself. It's coming along quickly!

I am so impressed with my husband's building abilities. He drew a plan, without much detail, and is making it work. He's so mechanically minded! His drafting teacher from high school would be proud. I know I am!!


  1. Do you know to get your chicks out into the yard a little before they get too old? They need to learn how to peck at the ground when they are only a couple weeks old, if you want to have them foraging for some of their food. Just keep them safe until the coop is built - a mini fence should do it. Keep an eye on them. Our neighbors' dog picked one off the first time I took mine out. Your coop looks gorgeous!

  2. Thanks, Paisley, for the advice. I have a wire cage that I am putting them into a couple of times a week and setting outside. I am also scattering some feed in their brooder since they are scratching and pecking around all the time.


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"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."